November 11, 2021

Moog System 55 Replica Case - Revision D

The first revision of the Moog System 55 replica Eurorack Case turned out great. However I received a custom order request to reduce the thickness of the top and bottom panels. This matches the original instrument a bit better for a more “Satisfying look.” The idea is that when multiple chassis are stacked, the thickness of a matted top and bottom panel appears the same thickness as a single side panel.

My original plan was to use the same ¾ inch grade-A pine and mill out a rabbet for the mounting rails to sit in. This would be simple for the top chassis, but quite complex for the lower chassis due to the angled front. I took a few hours and came up with a plan of attack in AutoCAD.

System 55 bottom chassis rabbeting plan for rail inset.
System 55 bottom chassis rabbeting plan for rail inset.

This was a 4-step process requiring two router bits and somewhat risky practices. When I went to Lowes to pick up material for this, I noticed that they carry 48x9.25x0.5 inch grade-A pine. So instead of attempting this complex routine, I could settle for a much simpler solution: use the materials I am attempting to mimic.

The photo below is two separate orders (Both somewhat custom) that came-through at roughly the same time. I was able to work on two System 55’s in parallel. Naturally, they are stacked up into one mega synth case. It is going to be difficult to put these in the mail! I had a lot of fun building these and solved a surprising number of small problems along the way.

Two and a half Moog System 55 Replica Cases.
Two and a half Moog System 55 Replica Cases.